Recent content by flpaintmaster

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  1. flpaintmaster

    Sage & Tarragon... I have no clue how to use them

    I haven't read the complete thread so my suggestion may be a duplicate. Tarragon works well with wilted spinach; saute a little box of raisons & a handful of sliced almonds, when the raisons are fat & round & and the almonds have some brown on them add a bag of spinach & leaves from a few...
  2. flpaintmaster

    Need help for basil plant...

    I live in Cocoa Beach, Fl. It is gardening season here now. I grow basil continuously, it is one of my favorite herbs, typically lemon & genovese or sweet(pesto, salads, etc). I grow from seed & transplant each crop. Just gently separate the plants to minimize damage to the roots & create a...
  3. flpaintmaster

    Philadelphia's Italian Market

    Thanks! Haven't looked yet, but it sounds like a great site to bookmark. Tim Abbott
  4. flpaintmaster

    Dumb Question

    Hi Bolas, Hah hah, I looked at a recent pic of him, a bit of resemblance, we both are sporting some wrinkles in the skin. Tim Abbott
  5. flpaintmaster

    Dumb Question

    Thanks taxlady, I snooped around the site a little before I gave up. I'll peruse that area. After a review I can think of a few that would pertain to my expressions when my concocted recipe doesn't work. Tim Abbott
  6. flpaintmaster

    Dumb Question

    Thanks Craig, I assumed it would obvious when the answer was revealed. Tim Abbott
  7. flpaintmaster

    Dumb Question

    I am not savvy with acronyms commonly seen :ermm: What do ISO TNT stand for? I have seen them incorporated into thread titles on this site. Thanks. Tim Abbott
  8. flpaintmaster

    Rice in all its glory!

    Hi Lou10, I like to combine brown rice & barley as a base & then add various mixtures of sauteed onion, mushrooms, garlic, vegetables & seasonings to that. Tim Abbott
  9. flpaintmaster

    Big Fish Head Curry

    Sounds like a great mixture. I think he larger the head you use of any fish species will yeild a better tasting broth/stock. I haven't seen salmon heads, big grouper has worked very well for me. Tim Abbott
  10. flpaintmaster

    Restaurant green chili.How do you make it?

    Thanks for the tip taxlady. Tim Abbott
  11. flpaintmaster

    Restaurant green chili.How do you make it?

    Picasa Web Albums - Tim Abbott - Green Chili S... I couldn't figure out how to add a photo, but the link is above. If you don't mind a messy project, roast all the ingredients, then steam in a covered vessel. Remove the charred skins of the chilis. Squeeze out the roasted garlic cloves from...
  12. flpaintmaster

    Spiny Lobster

    I saw this on another public forum I follow, it refers to the lobster found in Florida or the Bahamas. I had never heard of this method of cooking a spiny lobster. Sounds like a good idea: "We like to trim the underside of the tails so only the hard shell from the top side remains, like a...
  13. flpaintmaster

    Black Rice

    I have not used my black rice yet. I did read where it was recommended you soak it overnight like dried beans, so I suppose you could do like dried beans & boil it first & then soak it for a few hours. Is this an incorrect thought? Tim Abbott
  14. flpaintmaster

    Black Rice

    Hi love_cheese, Thanks for the recipe, I'll give it a try. I had heard of the cocoanut milk version, sounded good to me, I was just trying to see what ideas I could find using black rice. I usually use brown rice or wild rice. Tim Abbott
  15. flpaintmaster

    Shrimp Scampi

    This quantity serves two people. I have eliminated butter due to medical issues. I use ramekins to serve the mixture in. I cover the bottom of each ramekin with dry pasta to determine the amount to cook. You can increase amount & freeze extras, but wait to add crumbs & cheese until the...
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