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  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Are you eating Friday, July 12, 2024? with Like Like.
    Oh, I like the idea of a compound butter with dill. When I have too much dill to use up before it goes off, I freeze it. It still tastes...
  • dragnlaw
    No rain today, but tomorrow is the anniversary of the Montreal flood of 1987. It really was impressive and I can't help but think of it...
  • dragnlaw
    taxy, I remember that one too! The one motorist died trapped in his car in an underpass. Still have a hard time believing that one.
  • dragnlaw
    Rocklobster's Pork Tenderloin an oldy but sounds great and I've still never made it. So today/evening I've chopped/prepped everything...
  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw reacted to medtran49's post in the thread Saturday, July 13th, '24 Dinner? with Like Like.
    Shrimp cocktail and vegetables. Starting at 12 o'clock, zucchini, criminis, carrots, small red potatoes, celery, and of course the...
  • dragnlaw
    @caseydog i think you just invented a reason for and the new word 'sadfully'.
  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw replied to the thread Petty Vents.
    I use towels to even remove the skin from salmon when necessary. No problem - just as easy as removing the silverskin from meat...
  • dragnlaw
    How to ruin a good sauce. I hope the deciding factor from across the pond is to dump that idea. Reminds me of my ex. Making chili and...
  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    Over the years, I have found basil to have an exceptional ability to recover from wilting due to lack of water, as long as it doesn't...
  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    Amazing how they sometimes recover when you think all is finished.
  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    I had a scare this morning. I forgot to water my potted basil plant last night, and it was VERY wilted this morning around 10AM :shock...
  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Marinated Roasted Onions with Like Like.
    Anytime I am braising meat, whether beef, pork or chicken, I take about six sprigs of rosemary and the same of thyme, tie them together...
  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw replied to the thread Petty Vents.
    casey, although the miskeets are out - like you, they don't seem to be very bad this year. I do admit - I'm not outside too much at the...
  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw replied to the thread Petty Vents.
    Katy, probably towards the end there. Man, I was so frustrated! casey, as I've mentioned in other threads concerning ribs, I never...
  • dragnlaw
    dragnlaw replied to the thread Petty Vents.
    I have never, ever, ever had a problem removing the silver skin from a pork tenderloin. Today I completely butchered that poor...
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