Recent content by DouglasMB

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  1. DouglasMB

    Greetings and salutations

    honestly I'm not as fancy as all that... I'm a simple dumb guy lol I thought one day... "hey ya know... do one day with no fast food or processed stuff... humm maybe an all fruit day." then I started looking what was availabel in mass quantity (because I eat a lot) and i just bought "stuff" lol...
  2. DouglasMB

    What's the last movie you watched?

    Good Wil Hunting... "Do you like apples?" "yeah i like apples" " well i got her number, so how do you like those apples!" hahaha love it!
  3. DouglasMB

    Greetings and salutations

    I eat a lot of steamed veg and raw veg too... lately i have been setting aside one day a week for an all fruit day... only raw and fresh fruit.
  4. DouglasMB

    Just wondering ... what is everyone reading now?

    Duma Key Steven king... I am almost finished then I am going to read the last book in the Wheel of time series started by the late Robert Jordan.
  5. DouglasMB

    What music are you listening to?

    its awesome
  6. DouglasMB

    What music are you listening to?

    good stuff i like it :)
  7. DouglasMB

    What music are you listening to?

    well I am listening to the soundtrack to the movie 300... the sound track is epic all on it's own it's great to cook too and write too .
  8. DouglasMB

    Greetings and salutations

    Well I started watching him a few years ago on NetFlix both his US shows and his UK shows... and well I have liked how when it comes to turning things around be it a bad place to eat or a really bad menu, he always falls back to keeping it as simple as you can. Not to go over board and freash...
  9. DouglasMB

    Cooking Retreats

    I have actaully looked into a few... thought about doing a cooking B&B in Itally with my wife for our 20 year. I have also looked at a few here as well. The ones that interest me the most are the ones where you go as a group to farmers markets or gardens and pick out what your going to use, they...
  10. DouglasMB

    Pushing page/recipe at a time

    Rock that was not directed tword you :) and thank you very much for your help I really appreciate it. Any help will be a great help to me at this point. I think for me as frusteraiting as it is it will still be fun lol
  11. DouglasMB

    Pushing page/recipe at a time

    SHHHHH dont say that... i'm going to get black listed lol
  12. DouglasMB

    Pushing page/recipe at a time

    evernote looks like a good idea... i will get that... as far as sticking to one cookbook... i have to be carefull how I say this it seems I am not aloud to talk about it lol i watched a movie and took a very corney idea from it. Julie and Julia... I thought about doing much the same she did...
  13. DouglasMB

    Pushing page/recipe at a time

    I had been thinking about going through the whole book and making a list of all the things that are going to be hard to get... and then as i travel and do different things look for these things and ifI can get them that will tell me what I am cooking that week...
  14. DouglasMB

    Pushing page/recipe at a time

    So I decided to get a healthy cookbook and randomly cook my way through it... found one of my favorite people, got his book, set my mind to it... now I am in over my head haha So last night for dinner I made fish cakes with anchovy dressing... it actually turned out much better than it...
  15. DouglasMB

    Greetings and salutations

    my inspiration comming from that movie was more of watching her make things that were foreign to her and hard... having to learn these things and then sharing them with her friends and family... be it good or bad lol I think I am going to enjoy the adventure I am already learning things... lol...
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