Recent content by DaveG

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  1. D

    Zesty Grilled Parmasean Crusted Mussels

    Stop complimenting him. It'll go to his head. We don't want that thing any larger than it is. Hey Larry, stop kvetching about the videos. They're good.
  2. D


    I have a suggestion. Get a brain scan just to see if yours is still there. I have one for you Larry. I have an 18" WSM. I need the larger one but don't want to buy one. Is there an extension kit that converts the 18" into a 22". Let me know. Thanks in advance. BTW, ever try show business?
  3. D

    Need Advice

    Larry is not really an idiot, but he does play one in real life. As Bugs Bunny said, what a maroon!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
  4. D

    Paranoid About Bacteria

    A good method is to use a paper towel with vinegar and a clean paper towel with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Doesn't matter which you use first. Perfectly safe and effective. Keep each on hand in a spray bottle.
  5. D

    Fish and Chicken Ribs

    The pine cones should be fine as long as a squirrel weighing no less than 3.15 lbs sits on them for a minimum of 4 hours.
  6. D

    Help!!! I'm new here!!!

    Put some food in it and cook. There is no seasoning needed. Cooking in it will provide all the seasoning you'll need
  7. D

    'Yummy Chicken' Turkey Meatloaf

    Thank you sir Wolfe. I needed a slap in the face to get me going this morning. I'll look into ordering the Yummy Chicken rub. Maybe if I say that Larry Wolfe sent me, I'll get a discount. No? :D :D
  8. D

    'Yummy Chicken' Turkey Meatloaf

    Must have been the apples
  9. D

    Cherry Smoked Turkey just for Bigwheel! Pigs Feet too!

    Larry, Is there any truth to the rumor I heard that Empire puts out kosher pickled pigs feet? If not, sorry, I can't eat them. :D :D :D
  10. D

    Knox's Yummy Chicken

    Do you have to special order those buckets or do you make them yourself? They seem to be a perfect fit.
  11. D

    Beef Ribs Non JB Style and Wolfe Wings

    Funny you should mention glasses Nick. I had an appointment with my eye doctor scheduled for last week, the day of the big snow. Couldn't see going. Larry knows I'm just pulling his leg. He has saved many cooks for me. Far more than he has ruined.
  12. D

    Beef Ribs Non JB Style and Wolfe Wings

    I think Bigwheel has a point. Must have used black cherry. Nice color on the potato salad though. :D
  13. D

    Brining Ribs?

    If it were necessary to brine to get moist and tender ribs cooked on my WSM, I'd take the advice that Larry Wolfe so often gives to others and shoot myself. JMO.
  14. D

    Chicken and Dumplings

    Sure you can teach me. I'll email my name and address to you so you can send me the $5. Thanks BW. I know you'll come through like a champ. :D
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