Recent content by burgy61

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  1. B

    Traverse City Michigan

    My wife and I stop at Boon's every time we are in TC. The food is great and we never leave hungry. It is a bit out of the way, but worth finding if you are in the area.
  2. B

    If You Could Tell Food Network...

    I have to agree with everyone that they need to cut back on the personalities. Focus more on the food and less about the chefs themselves. There are still a few chefs that I watch, Tyler, Anne, and a few others. I do enjoy the competition type shows, I think it is just the competitor in me and I...
  3. B

    Top Chef TV show

    I loved the vending machine challenge, Wylie was my favorite on that show. Unfortunately he had a bad day. Watching these master chefs struggle and compete with each other makes them appear human and not quite so stuffy. I also noticed that many of them have a new appreciation for the...
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    Top Chef TV show

    I believe season six will be starting soon, can't wait. Right now Bravo is showing Top Chef Masters, not as good as the normal show but I do enjoy seeing the chefs struggle with some of the challenges.
  5. B

    Carne asada marinade

    I'm looking for an authentic carne asade marinade. I googled it and found lots of recipes, but I want one that someone living in Mexico might use. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  6. B

    Which Celebrity TV Chef is actually the BEST CHEF?

    I'm not sure if he would be considered a celebrity chef, but I would want John Besh to cook for me. I wanted him to win the next iron chef competition.
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    Last Cake Standing

    Where I live they will be showing the last episode Sunday. I was really disappointed with how the second challenge ended. I won't spoil it for you all, but I don't understand how they came to their decision.
  8. B

    Why did they bring Robert Irvine back to Dinner Impossible?

    I'm glad they gave Irvine another chance, the show is worth watching with him as the host. I found Symon lacking in the role of host, he is a good chef I think just lacked something in the hosting department.
  9. B

    ISO Pot roast suggestions

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions, I ended up doing it on the grill with veggies.Other than I used to much pepper in my rub it was delicious.The leftovers will still be made into stew tomorrow.
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    Holland Peppers

    I have used a store bought artichoke salad to stuff peppers with before baking them. I would add some canned chicken to the salad before stuffing the peppers. They will keep nicely in the fridge for a couple of days properly wrapped.
  11. B

    Cornish Game Hens in a Slow Cooker?

    You could try cooking them with orange and lemon juice, cilantro, a little garlic, onion, salt and pepper. This is a brine I use to soak chicken breasts in before baking, it might work as the liquid in slow cooking.
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    ISO Pot roast suggestions

    kitchenelf, you must be a mind reader. I was thinking about grilling corn on the cob and a mixture of potatoes, red onions and peppers. :lol: You're right, I would still be cooking to the pulled stage. I'm going through my spice shelf now looking for a combination to use As long as it doesn't...
  13. B

    ISO Pot roast suggestions

    BBQ everything is great, thanks for the suggestion, to bad half the family doesn't like BBQ.:smile: I am thinking about cooking it on the grill though. Rub it down with a spice rub, wrap it in foil and cook it on low heat for several hours.
  14. B

    ISO Pot roast suggestions

    Hey everyone, I have a six pound chuck roast and am looking for a new way to fix it. Normally I fix it with potatoes, carrots and onions, a little red wine and some spices. It always comes out great and the leftovers make a killer stew later in the week. Tonight I feel like doing something...
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