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  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    @pepperhead212 that bolting lettuce looks like a christmas tree! Wow. The weather here seems warm to me, it must be me that's cool...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to pepperhead212's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Love Love.
    You are obviously much cooler there than I am here, to still have all those greens! They look great! I have an unknown lettuce variety...
  • blissful
    Baked beans and oil free air fryer french fries. watermelon
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    i was out at the gardens this morning running the sandhill cranes off. The neighbor called to tell me they were nosing around the middle...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Time stored vs taste?.
    i don't know if the taste changes over time stored. i do know that our ability to taste can be affected by something we've tasted just...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to Kathleen's post in the thread Canning 2024 with Haha Haha.
    *sputters* I would look for a small canner at half that price and wait for Amazon Prime Days or search the marketplace! Mosquitos -...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Please rate my chuck I smoked!.
    on a scale of 0 to 100, i give it a 110.
  • blissful
    No one ever complains when I bake cookies, cakes, or muffins. I bake them all with all whole wheat flour. I think they are the perfect...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Canning 2024 with Like Like.
    Well, it is a stretch on my incredulity to believe that doctors should underestimate it. A border is only an imaginary line in the eyes...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Canning 2024.
    @dragnlaw i don't think it is a stretch that some of the Canadian provinces connected to higher disease rates in the states, will see...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Canning 2024. i haven't seen a map for Dengue in...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Canning 2024.
    i'm working on 8 pints of greens. This batch is mixed purslane, kale mostly, bok choy, chard. pressure canned. it takes 2 2-gallon...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to pepperhead212's post in the thread Canning 2024 with Love Love.
    That makes me think of something I just saw on Amazon - a container of 365 antihistamine tablets for $197.10, the same thing I got for...
  • blissful
    Kathleen Mance is adorable. We need more Kitten farm-hands and chefs... ;)
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Canning 2024 with Like Like.
    That was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.
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