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  • blissful
    blissful reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    My basil has not started to flower, yet. I clip the flowers off as soon as I see them, so the plant doesn't go to seed. My oregano and...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to larry_stewart's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    Your basil looks nice and healthy ( especially considering the heat you're getting down there). My base l is also potted. and doing...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    I planted my basil in a pot this year, and I keep it on the patio so I can easily water it a couple times a day on the 100F-plus days. I...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to Meryl's post in the thread What's the last movie you watched? with Love Love.
    I've seen that film a couple of times, very sad and tear-jerking but a well-made movie,definitely.
  • blissful
    Lunch: corn on the cob x2 Dinner: kale, veggie rice, natto watermelon New batch of black bean brownies tonight, so I had one of those...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to pepperhead212's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    I picked 7 eggplants today, that Asian Delight the two plants the most from, so far, with a bunch more, all different sizes, and more...
  • blissful
    (free on Tubi) Dragonfly with Kevin Costner, his and his wife are both doctors to make the world a better place. She dies. ... I sobbed...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    In the same bed I have a couple of sweet peppers and one (or 2?) jalapeno pepper(s). They seem to be fine - so far.
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Eggs, getting eggs! with Like Like.
    Although this is not about cooking eggs (albeit indirectly with the results of the labours of the hens) it is about the chickens that...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    It could be a cut worm. they can curl around a stem. You could check your living plants near it for them.
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to KatyCooks's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    I have no space like that Pepper! My plants are all in pots/planters. I only need 1 or two plants to thrive, but I guess that is...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to pepperhead212's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    Sorry to hear about your garden, Katy. There's still time for some things; though the peppers, and other long season crops are pretty...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    The stems are solid, not mushy at all, no rot. Just drying out and althouogh we've had alot of heat we've also had lots of water. Isn't...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to KatyCooks's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Sad Sad.
    All of them simply wilted Bliss. There just wasn't enough sun I guess? (They were all plants from a supplier I have used for years...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    What happened to your 4 types of plants @KatyCooks ? @dragnlaw are the stems rotting from too much water? Are they mushy at the ground...
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