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  • blissful
    blissful reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Haha Haha.
    yup, I do!
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Haha Haha.
    Let's hope she doesn't look out the window some evening to see a rabbit feasting on that carrot. But, I'm sure someone here has a good...
  • blissful
    We also have a yearly Rib Fest in Waterdown, this very weekend. (July 1st celelbrations) I drove past the park the other day while they...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    I'm sure we can come up with a recipe for that carrot here. :D
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to rodentraiser's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    Watered the lawn yesterday in the morning. Then it clouded up and rained all afternoon. No rain in the forecast I looked at. But I've...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    Thank you so much. They are currently out of stock but I'll see what I can do to find some. I'm surprised you only used 25 lbs in 4...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to pepperhead212's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    I have gotten the last three 25 lb bags of Surround from here...
  • blissful
    blissful replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    I was wondering about that, the sun and the reflective property of kaolin clay. @pepperhead212 Where do you buy yours or how?
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to pepperhead212's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    I actually do get shade here - some more than some would want for tomatoes,, but sun comes up on the east side, rises up to the other...
  • blissful
    Collards mixed with red beans and corn cut off the cob, satisfying. Zucchini apple raisin bread. Watermelon early, afternoon, evening.
  • blissful
    I saw this @Kloeshuman and thought of your thread here. Wisconsin Rib Fest!
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    Can you use some shade netting to reduce the impact of the direct sun on hotter days/weeks/months? Ambient heat will stop flowering...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    My dad was not a good gardener. Our lawn and gardens looked bad, until he started making enough money to pay a lawn service to do all...
  • blissful
    blissful reacted to larry_stewart's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    String beans in full gear. Blanch and freeze a bunch for the year ( both regular cut and French cut). Will be using/ eating the fresh...
  • blissful
    @dragnlaw I have used the scapes in a number of Asian things, in place of garlic - usually I use about 1½ times the amount of garlic...
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