French Bread from the Machine and Toaster Oven

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
It is a 1.5 lb loaf, recipe that came with the Bread Machine. I don't like baking it in there and have been experimenting with various recipes and ways. Someimtes I bake them in the big oven but would prefer to bake them in my Toaster Oven. (stairs :confused:)

So very happy today. Looks sort of like a top hat but the texture is beautiful, flavour great. Perhaps should have used the 12" pan but this is an 8". Maybe next time.

both my 8" and 12" CI fit in that little puppy. Just have to remember to lower the shelf. :LOL:
Make half the recipe or divide the dough and bake half at a time. You can hold the unbaked dough in the refrigerator for a day or 2, just take it out to warm up, shape, let rise and bake. I spray a gallon bag with Pam and use to store the dough. When we still had a bread machine I would often use it just to make the dough and through the rise, but would then bake in the oven as it gave a nicer crust and didn't have to be in a loaf shape.

Nice looking bread BTW.
Thanks medtran. I actually have done that. But then I find the loaves too small to be of use the way I like them. Doesn't mean I won't do it again, but this time I'm happy with the results.
That's good texture and the browning is perfect. Chilling the dough and letting it warm for another loaf does not destroy it but will have a slightly different texture. Happens with pie crust too.
That's good texture and the browning is perfect. Chilling the dough and letting it warm for another loaf does not destroy it but will have a slightly different texture. Happens with pie crust too.
I've chilled the dough for use another day and it has always turned out the same.
CG, that plastic cover is for the micro. It is not harmed by the heat from the oven as usually there ar several wood cutting boards beneath it and/or small trays for toaster oven. That Koffee grinder was a gift from a friend who'd just come back from Holland. I used it for years but now it is just decoration. :)

I've chilled dough for the next day type of thing but it didn't really work for me. Thanks guys, happy with how it's going now.

Next up is focaccia... but for that I definitely will use the oven upstairs. I can't see doing it split on a tiny cooking sheet. Although....
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