What did you eat Thursday, May 2, 2024?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Fried chicken breast strips, yams (butter & cinnamon sugar), and green beans

Mr bliss worked at the bee place tonight. I made a smoothie with 8 leaves of kale from the garden, a pear, a T orange concentrate, and water. It was yum and I could have drank down another one. WW toast with natto spread on top.
Cheeseburger on a Kaiser roll. Some cherry tomatoes as a side. Cherry tomatoes are the only fresh tomatoes I can get in North Texas that re actually very good. They are imported from Mexico, and they are really sweet. I need to get some fresh mozzarella, and I have fresh basil in the garden, so I can make some of my favorite snack...



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