Venison Jerky?

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Chef Munky

Honey Badger
Dec 15, 2008
Our Butcher sent over some ground already seasoned HOT Venison Sausage. 2Lbs.

Since I don't have the supplies I need yet for sausages. Can I use the KA ( smallest sausage attachment ) and make Venison Jerky? I want to play with my new toys:LOL:

Here's the link I was looking at. They suggest a Jerky Shooter to make the sticks.
Free Venison Recipes | Deer Snack Sticks Recipes

I'm thinking the attachment would be a little tricky to use, But doable. Is that even a word? At least it would keep the size uniformed. Take out the guess work on the dehydrating time.

Thank you
Our Butcher sent over some ground already seasoned HOT Venison Sausage. 2Lbs.

Since I don't have the supplies I need yet for sausages. Can I use the KA ( smallest sausage attachment ) and make Venison Jerky? I want to play with my new toys:LOL:

Here's the link I was looking at. They suggest a Jerky Shooter to make the sticks.
Free Venison Recipes | Deer Snack Sticks Recipes

I'm thinking the attachment would be a little tricky to use, But doable. Is that even a word? At least it would keep the size uniformed. Take out the guess work on the dehydrating time.

Thank you

Munky, I have that KA attachment-though I haven't used it yet. Don't you need casings to make sticks? I always had a tough time finding casings.
I love venison jerky and deer sticks. Let us know how it goes.:)
Munky, I have that KA attachment-though I haven't used it yet. Don't you need casings to make sticks? I always had a tough time finding casings.
I love venison jerky and deer sticks. Let us know how it goes.:)

I completely forgot to follow up on this one.. Sorry.. Anyways, it worked out beautifully. I'll get some pics posted later today on how we did it.You don't have to have the casings to make these. Since this was just a tester batch. I used the smallest sausage attachment. Next time I'll try the largest. For me it had to be a 2 people job.
I couldn't, once the attachment was connected see to feed the hopper and hold the dehydrating trays. Yep I started recruiting around here. " YOU!...Points to the first one I see.! Don't look busy. Come and give me a hand"

We actually had 3 Lbs. I put it on a scale before we started so that I'd have a better estimate on the dehydrating time. Ran it through the hopper and sausage attachment. It filled 3 trays completely. Made 53 long strips. Dehydrated them for 4 1/2 hours @a temp of 155 degrees. Cut them in half when they were cooled. Filled a 1 gallon sized ziploc bag. At the end I reweighed the sticks. They had dehydrated down to 1Lb 2 oz's.

My son took them to work. The butcher used this technique as an example of what else to do with Venison. Sold some to quite a few customers who were listening in.
The jerky sticks never made it back home. Everybody and the customers to ate them all.

It's ok, nice compliment. Everybody looked good, and I got some more free Venison to make more sticks...

I'm looking forward to the pictures.

I'm always amazed how little is left (ending weight) after dehydrating. Thanks for sharing that information.

Your venison sausage is a venison pork mix, yes?

Is 155 degrees F dehydrating temperature the best? My dehydrator dries at 140 degrees F--but it's a convection oven too, so I could set the temperature.
Good info. I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing more. I thought you would have to use casings, too.
Ok, here goes:

Loading the trays


Almost done. We had cut the ends instead of leaving them looped.


Ready to dehydrate @155 degrees. I had pre heated the Excalibur for 30 minutes before these were placed inside.


Finished sticks. Minus the ones we taste tested. :LOL:



You can start the dehydrating process in the oven for a few minutes, And then finish them off using your dehydrator. What was given to me did have some pork fat included. Not much just enough to help with the binding because the venison is such a lean meat anyways. They say it's the best for making jerky. I'd have to agree on that. It can't be beat.

Hey thanks for the pictures. It looks kind of gross coming out of the machine.......and then it looks better once it is dried. (sorry!--it's just me)
I can't recall the safe cooking temperature for venison and pork.
I like the venison pork combination.

We made some beef venison combination jerky once. Layed out plastic over the mesh for the dehydrator, pressed it out flat and thin, then scored it so it was about 1 and 1/2 inches wide and then dried. It was actually excellent.

Thanks for sharing your techniques--awesome.
Ok, here goes:

Loading the trays


Almost done. We had cut the ends instead of leaving them looped.


Ready to dehydrate @155 degrees. I had pre heated the Excalibur for 30 minutes before these were placed inside.


Finished sticks. Minus the ones we taste tested. :LOL:



You can start the dehydrating process in the oven for a few minutes, And then finish them off using your dehydrator. What was given to me did have some pork fat included. Not much just enough to help with the binding because the venison is such a lean meat anyways. They say it's the best for making jerky. I'd have to agree on that. It can't be beat.

Serious YUM! I love jerky!


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Hey thanks for the pictures. It looks kind of gross coming out of the machine.......and then it looks better once it is dried. (sorry!--it's just me)
I can't recall the safe cooking temperature for venison and pork.
I like the venison pork combination.

We made some beef venison combination jerky once. Layed out plastic over the mesh for the dehydrator, pressed it out flat and thin, then scored it so it was about 1 and 1/2 inches wide and then dried. It was actually excellent.

Thanks for sharing your techniques--awesome.

Your welcome Bliss :)

I thought it looked pretty gross coming out like that. Sometimes you just gotta do what needs to be done. Even if it's not pretty in the process. I tried not to look.. :LOL:

Found this bit of info on the link that was posted earlier.It does mention safe temps for jerky in case you want to have a look. Jerky and Food Safety I didn't see that section before I made this jerky.
It should have been started in the oven first. I didn't do that..:ohmy:

This technique was a lot easier then my last attempt. Like you I rolled it out flat and scored it. Took forever to get it just right. Seemed to take a lot longer to dehydrate as well. Now we know it can be done without using the casings.

Your welcome Bliss :)

I thought it looked pretty gross coming out like that. Sometimes you just gotta do what needs to be done. Even if it's not pretty in the process. I tried not to look.. :LOL:

Found this bit of info on the link that was posted earlier.It does mention safe temps for jerky in case you want to have a look. Jerky and Food Safety I didn't see that section before I made this jerky.
It should have been started in the oven first. I didn't do that..:ohmy:

This technique was a lot easier then my last attempt. Like you I rolled it out flat and scored it. Took forever to get it just right. Seemed to take a lot longer to dehydrate as well. Now we know it can be done without using the casings.

Munky, thank you again! I feel like I'm in your kitchen and you are teaching me. Love it.
Let's make jerky again!
I've got some Buffalo in the freezer :LOL:
I don't know if that is really funny or not. I used up all my caribou and I couldn't believe how much I liked salmon jerky, it was awesome.

I have a garbage container with muskrat and raccoon carcasses in it today--somehow I can't make it sound delectable. (from a trapper friend)
I don't know if that is really funny or not. I used up all my caribou and I couldn't believe how much I liked salmon jerky, it was awesome.

I have a garbage container with muskrat and raccoon carcasses in it today--somehow I can't make it sound delectable. (from a trapper friend)

I meant it to be funny. The butcher sent over a large package of it. I've never had buffalo. Don't know what to do with it. So it sits in the freezer..

We don't see muskrats or coons in my part of the neighborhood. Coon jerky? Muskrat luv? spicy or hot jerky?

If people can make a dish using squirrel. I don't see why anything else that's wild couldn't be used to create some new jerky recipes..

I meant it to be funny. The butcher sent over a large package of it. I've never had buffalo. Don't know what to do with it. So it sits in the freezer..

We don't see muskrats or coons in my part of the neighborhood. Coon jerky? Muskrat luv? spicy or hot jerky?

If people can make a dish using squirrel. I don't see why anything else that's wild couldn't be used to create some new jerky recipes..


Oh no........please don't take me wrong.........I think buffalo would be great!!!!!!!! I just meant it's practical, well, it is to me.

Buffalo would make great jerky, it's so lean, you might want to try to buffalo-pork mix and try those sticks again. You are so lucky to have a butcher that will share that with you.

Muskrat luv :LOL::LOL::LOL:

I think people could make a dish using squirrel, or muskrat or coon, I just can't get my stomach around it. Maybe if I was hungrier it would sound better to me. More power to anyone that can do that. Maybe I'm just a wuss.
Oh no........please don't take me wrong.........I think buffalo would be great!!!!!!!! I just meant it's practical, well, it is to me.

Buffalo would make great jerky, it's so lean, you might want to try to buffalo-pork mix and try those sticks again. You are so lucky to have a butcher that will share that with you.

Muskrat luv :LOL::LOL::LOL:

I think people could make a dish using squirrel, or muskrat or coon, I just can't get my stomach around it. Maybe if I was hungrier it would sound better to me. More power to anyone that can do that. Maybe I'm just a wuss.

Oh no, I didn't take that comment in the wrong way. I just wanted to make sure that you knew I was just kidding around. Venison jerky was my first experience working with it in any way shape or form. Still feel bad for Bambi's Mother.. Now I see her in a whole new light. I like it :LOL:

Our butcher is just awesome. He knows I like to cook. If he gets an order for a particular meat, he orders a little extra and sends some my way. Last week he had an order for Alligator.. ??

I'll have to do some research on how to work with buffalo.. It's new to. If the settlers could make jerky with it way back when so can I.

I'm a wuss with squirrels. They are soooo cute. I can't eat them

I'm a jerky freak and am making jerky almost every weekend. I've tried several different tools, but the best is "Weston Jerky Gun". I bought it on Amazon for about $40. It's the best jerky gun I've ever tried. Very easy to use and clean, durable, great quality. Highly recommended.
For those who love jerky, I would also recommend to buy "Jerky Bible" book. You can find it at Amazon. I have (had) all jerky books that I could find, but "Jerky Bible" is really the best.
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