Using fresh oregano question

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I've been growing Oregano for as long as ive had a garden. When needed, I always pick the leaves and chop them up for whatever recipe Im using it for.

When Im in thee store, I occasional see Greek or Mexican Oregano sold in a box or bad, and it appears they are the flowering part of the oregano ( the part that is left after the bees pollinate them and the flowers themselves fall off).

I have 3 pics, one of the whole plant, one of just the leaves and the other of the florets.

Is there a right or wrong part of the plant to use?
Is one part more potent or flavorful than the other?
Does it not make a difference at all ?


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I've only ever seen the leaves for fresh oregano. That said, I only ever use dried oregano as I like the way it tastes better.
According to this site -,are%20from%20different%20plants%20entirely.&text=Mexican%20Oregano%20is%20from%20a,part%20of%20the%20mint%20family., Mexican and Mediterranean are tow different herbs, each suited to particular cuisines. They come from two different kinds of plants, with the Mediterranean oregano being a member of the mint family. It's an informative article.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I don't have Greek or Mexican oregano growing, but I do have marjoram and Syrian oregano (thyme scented) out there, and after there are other flowers out there for the bees, I cut off the flowers on them, as most of the flavor is in the leaves, and they grow better this way. I prefer the marjoram to the fresh Greek, as I like the greek oregano better dried. All of these dry well, and the leaves strip from the stems easily.

I sprouted a few Mexican oregano seeds, but couldn't get them to grow, in soil or hydro. I will try again.
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