Shooting Food Porn Like A Pro

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A video on food styling showed up on my youtube list, so I did a little exploring. I came across this one, which some of you might find interesting. She also has other videos on food photography, which includes prepping the food to make it look better (and also make it inedible in the process).

Thanks for the vid. Great ideas. Back grounds are always a challenge for me. Shots taken in a normal kitchen setting always have some unwanted background. As an example in these the tile background is a major distraction ...
ribbon cake 1.jpg

marys cake1.jpg
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For backgrounds you can use colored poster board or get cabinet lining. Found a nice one at WalMart for $5. Put it on a poster board and now I have a nice background.
Very interesting video Tenspeed, thanks for posting it. I watched the whole thing and saved it. I'll look at the Adobe app that she mentioned and play around with it.

I usually just take a pic of the finished plate on my dining room table, at an angle. The only background is the table. Once in a while a bit of a plant or part of the patio gets in the frame, but not very often. :LOL:
Very interesting video Tenspeed, thanks for posting it. I watched the whole thing and saved it. I'll look at the Adobe app that she mentioned and play around with it.

I usually just take a pic of the finished plate on my dining room table, at an angle. The only background is the table. Once in a while a bit of a plant or part of the patio gets in the frame, but not very often. :LOL:

You must do some secret magic Cheryl, as your pictures are always better than most.

I watched several of her video's and like her personality a lot. I wish she had a secret for keeping her food hot enough to eat at the end of a shoot! ;)
Thank you for your kind words Kay, but there are so many here far better than I! No magic here, I'm not techie enough to mess with my phone's camera settings much. I think it's just that I have dinner early and there's usually a lot of forgiving natural light. :)

Not so for this afternoon's dinner - dark, rainy and cloudy lately so I turned on the overhead lights...don't care and posting it anyway. :LOL:

I liked her personality also (the gal on the video tenspeed posted). She was relaxed and cute as a bug. l'll watch her other videos.
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Here is the setup I use for quick food pr0n for the DC forum. The second photo shows a rig I came up with using basic household items on my kitchen table.

You can also substitute a window for the artificial lighting -- but only during the day, of course.




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