Saturday, 2022 January 15 Supper

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
I guess folks were busy, since last night's supper thread hasn't been started yet.

I tried a recipe for Danish fiskefrikadeller (fish frikadeller). I have eaten them in Denmark and really liked them. I have never made them. In Denmark, at least in Copenhagen, most people buy the forcemeat / "batter" from the fishmonger to cook them at home. I haven't even cooked them from a pre-made batter. They were not as good as I remembered, but that was probably because I have never made them before. I will need to tweak the recipe. It was also a learning exercise. I will definitely use less liquid in the batter.

We had that with frozen "steak fries" with malt vinegar. Well, they weren't frozen when we ate them. They were okay. The other forms of oven fries that we have tried were better. I made remoulade. It was tasty, but thinner than I prefer. The coleslaw was good, but not my best. So, while the food was pretty good, I was disappointed. I'm also all pooped out.

Fiskefrikadeller, oven fries, coleslaw, and remoulade.jpg

"Meatball" burger, green beans, rice and tomato sauce.

I guess folks were busy, since last night's supper thread hasn't been started yet.

I tried a recipe for Danish fiskefrikadeller (fish frikadeller). I have eaten them in Denmark and really liked them. I have never made them. In Denmark, at least in Copenhagen, most people buy the forcemeat / "batter" from the fishmonger to cook them at home. I haven't even cooked them from a pre-made batter. They were not as good as I remembered, but that was probably because I have never made them before. I will need to tweak the recipe. It was also a learning exercise. I will definitely use less liquid in the batter.

We had that with frozen "steak fries" with malt vinegar. Well, they weren't frozen when we ate them. They were okay. The other forms of oven fries that we have tried were better. I made remoulade. It was tasty, but thinner than I prefer. The coleslaw was good, but not my best. So, while the food was pretty good, I was disappointed. I'm also all pooped out.

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taxy, my mom used to make those when I was a kid. Often from canned salmon. I don't know how she did it, but they tasted a lot like crabcakes. My sisters liked tartar sauce with them, but I liked cocktail sauce. Heavy on the horseradish and lemon.

I grilled chicken thighs last night, and served them with a satay sauce, and a side of Thai cuke salad. The grill took forever to get hot since temps were in the single digits. I scared the crap out of a few deer that were bedding down in the back yard with the ice crunching under my feet on the deck.

Every time that I make the cuke salad, everyone eats it like it's crack. It's just peeled, seeded, and salted cukes with scallions in a dressing of rice vinegar, sugar, toasted sesame oil, and cilantro.

Every time that I make the cuke salad, everyone eats it like it's crack. It's just peeled, seeded, and salted cukes with scallions in a dressing of rice vinegar, sugar, toasted sesame oil, and cilantro.

Do you mind sharing the recipe for that cuke salad?
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