Preferred oil for deep fryer

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
When using a deep fryer, is there a preferred oil type to use (French Fries, potato chips ...)?
I usually bake my fries , but I want to make potato chips and curious about which oil I should use.
What does lay's potato chip makers use? Let's see..
What are the ingredients in Lays chips?

LAY'S® Wavy Original Potato Chips

Potatoes, Vegetable Oil (Sunflower, Corn, and/or Canola Oil), and Salt.
I would prefer the flat original ones, they also use the same kinds of oils. Please don't send me any, I wouldn't be able to resist. (because they are so delicious)
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Went with Peanut oil, as I had it in the house. Everything worked out well. I used 3 small russet potatoes, and t made enough to fill a large bag of chips you'd get at the store. I was going to make 6 potatoes worth, but I didn't need that many.


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They taste as good as any potato chip I've ever had . I followed instructions by Alton Brown's good eats. Russet potatoes , 300F, 3 -4 minutes . I used a fine sea salt. I don't have a deep fryer, so used a pot , thermometer and cooked in batches. Much easier and predictable than I thought. I'm not a hug chip fan ( my wife is). But I'm glad I finally got it under my belt. It was a lot of fun.
Did you use a mandolin to slice the potatoes?
Yes, even in my best days I'd never have been able to cut things that consistently thin. I did wear the protective mesh glove, so there were no injuries. The first batch I made super thin. I personally liked them better. They kinda melted in your mouth. My wife prefers a thicker potato chip. I made the rest that thickness, just for her to eat a few , tell me she cant eat fried things cause they give her an upset stomach. I'm now giving them to my mom.
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