Is jackfruit supposed to smell a bit fermented?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
Just grabbed my first can of jackfruit from the local Asian market for Halo-Halo. I opened it up and found that it smells just a tiny bit . . .fermented? Not like completely but just a bit. (Also smells like mango/pineapple). Is this normal or did I get a dud can? The can had no cracks/bulging in it.
To me it didn't have a lot of smell out of the can. Lightly fruity.

Quora says: "It is said to smell like bubble gum with a combination of pineapple, bananas, and rotten onions." and if you google alcohol smell in jack fruit, some answers come up for that too.
I have a can in the pantry I bought to make turon, but I haven't got any burro bananas, so I am not going to open the can just to smell them. But I have never noticed an alcohol smeel when I've made them before.

I created this turon recipe for the Amoretti test kitchen, but I asked Mary Grace to do the video because she's hapa Pilipina.

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