Caramelized Onion and Gruyere Stuffed Rolls

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Found this (while reading 'onions') and I'm drooling (I do that a lot).

I'm going to try using one of my bread machine recipes for the dough. Especially with the bread flour as I think it will meke the most pliable dough for this. But the hardest part for me will be the onions, lately have not been having a lot of success caramelizing. Then sealing nicely and forming those beautiful shapes. So professional looking!

Caramelized Onion and Gruyere Stuffed Rolls

Don't they look divine?
onion rolls.jpg

(picture taken from the web site of "flourarrangements.")
I've found that adding a little water when the onions start to get too dried out helps a lot. I'd imagine covering the pan to keep moisture in would help as well. I'm assuming, of course, that getting too dry and crispy, then burning is your issue.
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If shaping the buns is an issue you could roll out the dough, spread it with onion jam, cheese, and roll it up to make a single strudel.

I think a cabbage or sauerkraut version would be good too.
It's easy to shape the buns. Make a ball, flatten it out in your hand, kind of cup your hand a little, place the filling in, then bring the edges together, pinch to form a ball. That's how I make the burgers in the bun.
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When I do finally get around to making these, don't worry! I will be checking these postings and the original recipe. She has excellent tips and pictures to go with.
Not too worried about the individual steps - just perhaps bringing it all together. The bread flour I have been using just recently is very soft and malleable so I think I won't have a problem there. This is where "practice makes perfect" will probably come in. LOL
if you enjoy onions, the German Zwiebelkuchen is an easy and splendid dish.

this recipe comes closest to what I remember from living in Swaben, altho it was consumed with "green wine" i.e. still fermenting which is the same as Fedderweiss

onions do have their differences - I like yellow for most things - for their "bite"
reds for salads
scallions for soups, omelets, savory crepes
leeks for stews and long cook soups
shallots most anywhere . . .
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