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  1. Timothy

    Can we talk Cabbage?

    Just as a note of interest, While in Berlin, Germany, I had a few times that I had to travel the Helmstedt-Berlin autobahn. For many hours, as far as I could see in every direction was nothing but cabbage fields. It astounded me that that amount of cabbage could be eaten. It was quite a sight.
  2. Timothy

    Thursday's Dinner Table 2/2

    Hi PPT, I couldn't get your link to work. It kept going to the homepage of that site. Here's a link to a video that shows the velveting process clearly: How to Velvet Chicken for Stir Fry Dishes - YouTube
  3. Timothy

    McDonald's Pink Slime

    Not really. If you were to investigate each one of those ingredients, you'd find a perfectly reasonable explanation for why they are in each of those menu items. Some of them are due to the logistics of getting the chicken or fish from the live animal to your mouth without harm to you. I know...
  4. Timothy

    McDonald's Pink Slime

    Those who have the resources and area to raise their own year-old calf, can do so. Then you'll know what is in your beef because you put it there.
  5. Timothy

    What are you doing?

    That menu item is a route to a debugging tool that is used by Developers and programmers to avoid buggy Java script using Opera Dragonfly. "Item Q" is whatever object is selected for Opera Dragonfly to debug. Here's a link to a description of Opera Dragonfly: Opera Dragonfly - Wikipedia, the...
  6. Timothy

    Thursday's Dinner Table 2/2

    Yum City, Luckytrim! I love your icon... I think that meal is a food-group in itself!
  7. Timothy

    Stirling's Texas Red Chili

    Now THAT'S funny! He snorted the salt! :rofl::lol::rofl::lol: Yer killin me!:biggrin:
  8. Timothy

    Chicken Tamale Bake

    Thanks Sharon, that sounds really good! This ones a keeper for me! I've never met Mexican food I didn't like.
  9. Timothy

    Stirling's Texas Red Chili

    I like the way you think, GLC. Tequila is one of my favorite drinks. I like to make a bit of very strong salt-water with lime in it, then add my Tequila and drink it all together. That avoids all the bother and mess with slinging salt and lime chunks around and can be made by the drink. I'm a...
  10. Timothy

    Thursday's Dinner Table 2/2

    I'm heating up some of my Pork Rib Soup for supper again tonight. That will finish off what I didn't freeze. I think I'll have garlic bread with it this evening.
  11. Timothy

    Cheesy Jalapeño Pull Bread Recipe

    Really easy to make too! I love finger-food!
  12. Timothy

    Cheesy Jalapeño Pull Bread Recipe

    Does this look yummy, or what? Here's the recipe for it: Cheesy Jalapeño Pull Bread | Simply Recipes
  13. Timothy

    What are you doing?

    Kicking back, keeping up with the new posts on DC and drinking my morning cup of Cafe Mocha. Life is good!
  14. Timothy

    Sweet and Spicy Mushroom Stir-fry

    This one is made with Dark Honey added. Sweet and Spicy Mushroom Stir Fry Recipe | Simply Recipes
  15. Timothy

    Petty Vents

    My Doc told me point-blank to not use anything but the finger test. He said the arm tests were notoriously inaccurate.
  16. Timothy

    Pork Rib Stew

    Well, how was it? Mine was a little too thick, so I added some Beef Broth to thin it. What a meal. It certainly doesn't take much to fill me.
  17. Timothy

    Petty Vents

    I'm so glad you have reported this thing. Over the years, I've had two times that someone got weird like that on me. Both times, I sat the person down and had a heart to heart talk with them about it. Both times, I never saw the person again. My way only works if you can back it up with physical...
  18. Timothy

    Anyone interested ...

    No, I haven't seen that series yet. I have no regular TV service. I only have NetFlix, which is plumbed to my TV via HDMI. The Big Bang series is available on NetFlix by mail. I may request it later.
  19. Timothy

    Provencal Style Sea Scallops On Shell

    Once or twice a year, they put them on sale for about $11 per/pound. I generally buy enough to last the year then and drop a $100+ on them.
  20. Timothy

    ISO TNT recipe for Chili with no beans.

    Thanks for the recipes! They look delicious! CraigC, I love the canned Chipotle in adobo sauce in chili.
  21. Timothy

    Anyone interested ...

    I just finished watching the Dr. Martin series last week. I liked it. A little weird here and there, but a great series.
  22. Timothy

    Just wondering ... what is everyone reading now?

    One more reason to NOT go to B&N again. Maybe they'll meet Elvis at K-Mart or Food Lion. Reminds me of the old Slap-Stchick line; "Shoot me...Please!" Senior Management people are pretty far out there. None of them are in touch with reality. I saw and heard some pretty strange stuff at...
  23. Timothy

    Just wondering ... what is everyone reading now?

    I didn't know that Amazon published anything. I've never noticed, anyway. Or are you saying that B&N won't stock any books *sold* on Amazon? If it's the latter, B&N is nuts.
  24. Timothy

    Provencal Style Sea Scallops On Shell

    Are you my long-lost Sister? My Dad *did* get around a lot...:rolleyes::ohmy:
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