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  1. bethzaring

    Garden 2024

    Just got the energy to take photos of today's garden. I got knocked flat with Covid on May 8th then got Covid Rebound. Fatigue and brain fog are main symptoms. Photos are of strawberries, spinach and lettuce, plantlets ready to be planted, garlic, peas flowering, onion plants and more...
  2. bethzaring

    Random Pictures

    Souschef and Kayelle, how the ell are you guys?? Glad to see some news from you!
  3. bethzaring

    How much to you worry about what you eat?

    My preferred source for nutritional information comes from the American Dietetics Association, the folks responsible for monitoring the education and credentialing of Registered Dietitians. Back when I was in school in the 1980's, most...
  4. bethzaring

    How much to you worry about what you eat?

    Definitely a 10. Sometime in my late teens I got it in my head that nobody but me could raise food with my health as the main concern. Been raising most of my vegetables, fruits, meats, dairy; basically everything but grains, since 1976. Nothing wrong with bacon and butter! Everything in...
  5. bethzaring

    Two questions about Pasta

    I treat regular dry lasagna noodles as no-boil noodles. Assemble your lasagna with dry noodles and pour 1 cup of water around the outer edge of the pan. Bake as normal. Been doing this for decades, works every time.
  6. bethzaring

    Movies that really etched themselves into your mind...

    No, I did not like that movie. That is why I named Judy Dench and Maggie Smith so folks would not confuse which movie I was talking about.
  7. bethzaring

    Movies that really etched themselves into your mind...

    The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, with Judy Dench and Maggie Smith.
  8. bethzaring

    Rotisserie Chicken thoughts?

    I make my own rotisserie chicken probably twice a month. It is so easy and versatile to use. My favorite use is to make chicken salad out of it. Crock pot rotisserie chicken stir together rub; 2 t. kosher salt 1 t. smoked paprika 1 t. onion powder 1 t. garlic powder 1 t. Italian seasoning 1...
  9. bethzaring

    Garlic for 2024, one new variety this year

    Last year I grew 400 bulbs with the intent to dehydrate slices and make, what I hope, is a life time supply of garlic powder. Boy, was that a long project! 400 bulbs was way too many to cure and process. Plus, I am at the point that I have begun to hire help to continue to garden. I am not...
  10. bethzaring

    Garlic for 2024, one new variety this year

    The past few years, I am down to planting one variety, German Extra Hardy which goes by several names such as German White. The cloves are few and very large and pungent. My plants are 18 inches tall right now. Still planning on an early July harvest.
  11. bethzaring

    What Are Your Other Interests?

    I used to understand F-stops, shutter speeds, light meters....I was not willing to give up that knowledge to a machine. I also never photographed people and was especially fond of photographing architecture.
  12. bethzaring

    What Are Your Other Interests?

    FOOD! I have an associates degree in dietetics and worked in nutrition in a nursing home for 12 years, eventually doing the clinical work. I garden, can, and other wise, put food by. I love to cook and bake. I am an amateur photographer and genealogist. Started with photography in the 60's...
  13. bethzaring

    Finally bought a bench scraper

    Yes, I regularly use a bench knife. Mostly when portioning bread dough into rolls and buns and evening up portions after weighing dough. I waited decades before buying one and then wondered why I waited so long!
  14. bethzaring

    Going MIA

    Oh Taxi, my heart breaks for you. There are no easy answers. It takes time, a lot of time, to find your way. Losing a partner to death is simply a life changing event. Take care of yourself however you can. And please keep coming back here to let us know how and what you are doing.
  15. bethzaring

    Going MIA

    Taxi, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts. Come back when you are ready.
  16. bethzaring

    Mexican Wedding Cookies v Italian Wedding Cookies

    Yes you can. I but pecan meal solely for making Mexican Wedding Cookies. Generally I buy pecan meal from King Arthur Flour, and store it in the freezer.
  17. bethzaring

    2024 Edition - What are you baking?

    My usual looking hot dog buns!
  18. bethzaring

    2024 Edition - What are you baking?

    Yes it was! I like your method!
  19. bethzaring

    The Sick Room

    Honestly I was shocked when Hospice was first mentioned. It was my husband who asked his Primary Care Physician for the recommendation. My husbands prognosis was so poor, he chose to have no treatment. His cancer doctors warned he would have up to one year to live if he chose no treatment...
  20. bethzaring

    The Sick Room

    I would recommend enrolling in Hospice. Hospice does not mean a person has 6 month or less to live. My late husband was on Hospice for 17 months. His symptoms were ever changing and the wonderful nurses were there to offer suggestions and recommendations to deal with his changing problems...
  21. bethzaring

    Does anyone have a Lawry's Seasoned Salt recipe?

    This is the recipe I use. 2 T. salt 2 t. white sugar 3/4 t. paprika 1/4 t. onion powder 1/4 t. garlic powder 1/4 t. corn starch I multiply this recipe when making it. I have two trusted recipes that call for Lawrey's salt and I go through this mix pretty fast.
  22. bethzaring

    Today's harvest

    It's the same stuff!!! I knew it was supposed to be edible. But with a 10,000 square foot garden of wonderful vegetables, I was not tempted.
  23. bethzaring

    Today's harvest

    The only winter crop I have grown. I am researching doing things differently in the garden this year; realizing my raised beds could be utilized better. This could be the last year to devote an entire raised bed to carrots.
  24. bethzaring

    Today's harvest

    I'm not sure you can intentionally grow it. I also had it growing and would throw it in the compost pile! It did not look appetizing.
  25. bethzaring

    2024 Edition - What are you baking?

    Weird chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting for tomorrows dinner. The cupcakes have ricotta cheese and the frosting has fresh avocado for the fat.
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