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  1. HappyAvocado

    beef tenderloin

    hi! oh my goodness its been a long time since i have been here. :smile: im sure that nobody remembers me, thats ok. ive been too busy to read about food as we have opened our own busy lunch restaurant.:chef: but now i have an ingredient that i am fairly unfamiliar with that i need help with...
  2. HappyAvocado

    Am I the only person in the world who does NOT have a microwave?

    we had one when i was a kid, but we never used it. when i moved out of momma's house i just never got one.... microwaved food tastes funny to me. people are shocked! they come over to my house with cold coffee and say "can i just pop this in the microwave?" and are baffled when i say i dont have...
  3. HappyAvocado

    what to do with 25 frozen trout?

    its fishing season up here in northern california, and i was just given about 25 raw frozen trout. i love fresh grilled trout, but i am not fond of the flavor of frozen trout when it is grilled plain. so i am looking for some dishes that involve trout but have enough flavor to make up for the...
  4. HappyAvocado

    Having a problem with chocolate covered strawberries.

    argh. i make chocolate covered strawberries all the time. usually i take a bag of semi sweet chocolate chips, a pat of butter, melt them on low heat in a pan, wash some strawberries, pat them dry, and dip em. works every time. so this time i have this 10 lb bar of milk chocolate that i chopped...
  5. HappyAvocado

    ISO: something to do with chicken and mushrooms?

    hi all, i went to the farmers market and i was lucky enough to pick up a good amount of chanterelle mushrooms and oyster mushrooms for very cheap! i wanted to cook them up for dinner with some chicken... i have a few boneless skinless breasts. i was thinking some sort of mushroom gravy with...
  6. HappyAvocado

    Processed Foods

    that cool whip thread got me thinking.... i try to eat as few processed foods as possible (time permitting, of course), in part because homemade always tastes better and in part because i am an obsessive label reader and i wont eat anything if i dont know what it is... those foods with the long...
  7. HappyAvocado

    Non mayo-based potato salad?

    hi, im looking for a recipe for a potato salad that is not mayo-based or eggy... something a little bit lighter. i was thinking of making something like german potato salad without the bacon... usually for german potato salad i fry up some chopped bacon, add onions and cook, and then add white...
  8. HappyAvocado

    Best cut for burgers?

    im having a party soon and i was going to make assorted burgers, some turkey, some homemade veggie, and some beef. to keep this thing on the cheaper side, i was going to buy a large innexpensive cut of beef and grind it myself ( i only buy organic meats... and when i buy organic beef ground is...
  9. HappyAvocado

    Interesting ideas for greens?

    my veggie delivery has been sending me a LOT of greens lately... right now i have red chard, collards, and turnip greens in my fridge waiting to be cooked. usually i just throw them in a pot with some garlic and maybe a ham hock or a porkchop bone, and then i dress them with balsamic, salt and...
  10. HappyAvocado

    raw vegetable and dip platter, suggestions?

    what do you put on your raw veggie platter? im doing a raw vegetable platter for a friends wedding in a few weeks and i am trying to make it more interesting than the old standard carrots and celery and onion dip. so far on my veggies list: a few heirloom varieties of carrots celery red and...
  11. HappyAvocado

    Wanna help me with my camping menu?

    our annual group camping trip is coming up, and i am again in charge of the food ( i dont mind at all:smile:). there will be about ten people in our group and i will be organizing food for breakfasts and dinners for four nights. we might stay an additional night, in which case i will need to...
  12. HappyAvocado

    Adobo, anyone?

    well, i am part filipino by way of marriage, if you know what i mean:smile: and some time back i set out to learn how to cook all of my hubby's favorite filipino dishes. Adobo was something that he ate once a week as a child. I got his mother's recipe and i make my own version of it ( he calls...
  13. HappyAvocado

    Best Black Bean Burgers

    had some of these for dinner last night, it is very similair to falafel (my kitchen sure smelled like falafels cooking!) 1 12 oz can of black beans, drained 1-2 cups cooked rice 1/2 of a portobella mushroom 1 large stalk of celery 1 carrot 1/2 of a medium onion 1/2 cup of fresh corn bread...
  14. HappyAvocado

    an avocado says hello.

    hello everybody, this looks like a fun forum! i have been a "hobby chef", as i call myself:chef:, since i was a teenager and i spend a lot of time thinking about food and what to cook! i think i enjoy cooking even more than i enjoy eating:rolleyes:. in the past couple of years i have become...
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