Char-Griller Deluxe says not to exceed 400F?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
Got a new Charcoal grill today (a Char Grill deluxe model 2929) and was excited to use it. After curing it for about 4 hours at 300 F, I peeked in the manual once more and was dismayed/surprised to see this: "Never exceed 400 degrees because this will damage the finish and contribute to rust." Does this mean I need to keep the grill's temp always under 400 F or else I could ruin the grill? From what I know, charcoal grills easily can get up to 500-600 degrees (or a lot more) so I'm a bit sad at this information. Does anyone have info on this, or should I just build small/spread out fires?
That seems a bit ridiculous. Of course charcoal is going to get over 400 F - it's burning! I'm sure if one were to put a probe into burning charcoal the temperature reach will far succeed anywhere near that!

They must mean something else that has gotten lost in the translation. Hopefully someone else will post a more comprehensive answer.
Take an action that would be indicative of normal usage of charcoal grilling which would be to exceed 400 degrees and then make that a valid reason why it will void part or all of a warranty and in this case because of rust, paint isn't covered. Makes sense and I suspect the rust is more about weather conditions a lot of grills experience, which is probably a big factor as well. Shout out to tremclad.
If your grill will stay out all year, don't clean the insides, leave them greasy. Not talking about the grills of course, they need to be cleaned. Who wants to eat yesterday's grilled sausage on tonight's fish or chicken.
and if you do want to attack little spots of rust, should they appear, as pictonguy has mentioned there is tremclad and high temperature paints such as those used on stoves.
I can't imagine a grill that can't handle more than 400F. My Webers go over 400F regularly when I first get them started. Both gas and charcoal grills, but especially charcoal. I bought the oldest charcoal Kettle in 1995, and the gasser is a 2001 model. The flavorer bars in my gasser, which are right above the burners, need to be replaced every few years, but they are considered "expendables," similar to grates.

Sounds like a case of "CYA" by Chargriller -- and easy way out of honoring the warranty.

BTW, my grills stay outside 24/7/365, except for the pellet smoker (because the pellets stay in it). Granted, I live in North Texas, which is a pretty dry climate.

I've had one of these. You will burn off paint. It will rust. You can keep up with it with a wire brush and high heat paint.

You will also have to replace the charcoal pan every so often as it deforms.

Don't worry and enjoy the food you cook.
1979 I bought a Sears aluminum clam shell gill.
cast aluminum top&bottom,
cast iron grill grates
simple steel coal grate
bent aluminum legs
fake "redwood" side shelf

as I assembled . . . replaced all the 'plated' junk with stainless steel bolts/washers/nuts
had I waited 'years' - removing the plated steel junk would have been a mega-effort of grinder cutting and heavy duty twisting. basically - when you see a problem, preclude the problem. sanity rules.....

eventually had to replace the grill grates
and the coal grates
eventually spray painted the aluminum clam shell with hi-temp rattle can, , , an aesthetic thing.

and it is still in active use 2023. 2024 is not presenting any visible issue(s) . . .

so, it's just a question of picking the right stuff, replacing the el'cheapo junk components.
the cast iron grill grates lasted +/- 40 years. had to buy 'dimensionally close' replacements, cut them down with a saw/abrasive blade 'to fit.'
heh, one does what one must do . . .

but functionally, we're talking a 40 year+ BBQ grill "thang" - nothing like the Weber, that got tossed after 3-4 years . . .

getting on in years . . . I've contemplated one of those new fangled gas/propane grills.
veddy attractive - turn the knob - click click click . . . and looking at them - piles and heaps of steel / plated steel rust magnet stuff.
at my age, the rust prone junk will likely outlive me . . but it just sticks in my craw . . .
Should I ever be in a position to purchase another grill - it would probably be a hitachi! Or the cheapest gas grill on legs that is available. The more expensive, the faster they seem to rust or just plain give out. Not worth it in my opinion.
Am actually thinking of searching out one of those free standing cast iron grills to put over the pit fire place. Probably the best idea.

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