Recent content by Uncle Bob

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Uncle Bob

    Happy Birthday Uncle Bob

    Stopped by to see what was going on! What a pleasant surprise to see birthday wishes from some old friends! Thank y'all a bunch!!
  2. Uncle Bob

    What is your favorite basic meal?

    Easy! Home grown tomato sandwich. Light wheat. Dukes mayonnaise. S&P.
  3. Uncle Bob

    Do you use bacon grease generally instead of other oils?

    Sparingly to flavor beans, greens etc. A small scant teaspoon when frying eggs sometimes. I know a couple of cardiologist who love, love it. It keeps them in business.
  4. Uncle Bob

    2023 Thanksgiving Plans (U.S.A. - 11/23/2023)

    Smoked Whole Ham Cornbread Dressing Sweet Potato Casserole Whole Sauteed Green Beans Fried Apples Whole Berry Cranberries Watergate Salad. Sister Schubert Rolls. Carrot Cake Peanut Butter Pie Neiman Marcus Cookies
  5. Uncle Bob

    When do you use liquid smoke?

    A large cattle and sheep operation near me buys it by the 55 gallon drum. They use it as a sheep dip and on cattle to fight flies etc. I used to dip my dogs in it in the spring of the year...prevented fleas and ticks for several months!
  6. Uncle Bob

    What's with Cornish hens?

    Deep fry! Think fried turkey. Drop in deep fat. When they float they are ready.
  7. Uncle Bob

    What's the last movie you watched?

    Where The Crawdads Sing.
  8. Uncle Bob

    Happy Birthday Uncle Bob

    Thanks folks!! Logged in not expecting these wishes. What a nice surprise!!
  9. Uncle Bob

    Is there a better way to make fried eggs than a frying pan?

    Smaller pan. Fresher eggs. Fresh eggs "puddle" up and not run all over creation.
  10. Uncle Bob

    What’s the allure of Spam?

    Eat your heart out! I just ate a fried spam sandwich!
  11. Uncle Bob

    What's Your Opinion of Adirondack Chairs?

    Good to know. And here I thought arsenic was banned in pressure treated wood in 2003. I suppose some old chairs prior to that could still exist..
  12. Uncle Bob

    What's Your Opinion of Adirondack Chairs?

    They burn really well.......
  13. Uncle Bob

    Sat. April 8th'23 din dins

    Fried fish of the Cat variety.
  14. Uncle Bob

    What are some things that are main stream, everyone likes except for you?

    Love potatoes. Any kind, any way....except mashed white/reds. Macaroni and cheese....pass! Those little green peas. Sometimes called 'English' peas around here. Fresh shelled ones can be nice. I quickly move away from people who smell like "Evening In The Cow Pen" ...Moved over three aisles to...
  15. Uncle Bob

    Word Association Game

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