Recent content by purple.alien.giraffe

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  1. P

    2022 Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Menus

    Day before Christmas I made broth for pho. Hubs and I just ate leftovers from earlier in the week for dinner. Christmas day we had the pho for brunch, then we did Chinese take-out for dinner. The pho was fantastic.
  2. P

    Ridiculously Rich Hot Chocolate

    That is the primary struggle.
  3. P

    Never Have I Ever...Made This.

    Cream scones and macarons. I've always wanted to make them but they seem extremely intimidating. I don't know why.
  4. P

    Creamy Green Onion Soup

    It makes about two large or three smaller servings.
  5. P

    Creamy Green Onion Soup

    This is a quick and easy soup to make that is absolutely delicious and full of intense flavor. If you like onions, this might be the soup for you. Creamy Green Onion Soup Ingredients - 4 bunches green onions, cleaned and roots removed - 1 tbsp salted butter - small fistful of fresh parsley - 2...
  6. P

    Ridiculously Rich Hot Chocolate

    Made this the first time right after Dad died. Was just looking for something to push a bit of the sad away for a moment. It was so good and so comforting. It was also intensely chocolatey. Love at first sip. Ingredients 2 cups water 1 cup whole milk 1 cup heavy cream. 2 each of the...
  7. P

    Word Association Game

  8. P

    Do you use pickle brine in cooking?

    Usually about a week seems to be good but it depends on the vegetables. Things like peppers, cucumbers, green beans that are spongier, less dense are sometimes good in three days depending on how thickly they are cut. Carrot slices, radish, celery, parsnip are a solid week. Onions are two days...
  9. P

    Word Association Game

  10. P

    Coffee ... How Do You Drink It?

    Depends on the coffee. Lower quality is nice if I want flavored coffee. I like adding melty hazelnut chocolates into it, adding cream, milk, cinnamon, flavor syrups, or whatever I'm in the mood for. I also like steeping chai in lower quality coffee. The two work well together. For better coffee...
  11. P

    ISO tips and tricks for using frozen, store bought, puff pastry

    Because it's a laminated dough, you might get away with stacking a few pieces on top of each other, pressing together and rolling, then a few more and do the same, repeat until no scraps left. Then stack those bits you rolled out, press together, and roll out. For individual scraps, you could...
  12. P

    Do you use pickle brine in cooking?

    Not sure on that. Most of the pickles we get are vinegar added or refrigerator pickles.
  13. P

    What do you think of 6 can soup recipes?

    This. I've used no salt added canned items to make soups, that way I can control the sodium added. I also make sure they are low/no sugar added. You can use all sorts of things together with lots of different meats. So like, one of my favorites is I'll brown breakfast sausage and then add a can...
  14. P

    Do you use pickle brine in cooking?

    We usually use the pickle juice, either by adding more veggies once the pickles are gone (carrots, peppers, green beans, cucumbers, etc.) or by using it has a meat brine/marinade. Bread and Butter pickle brine is great for a pork marinade, gives it a sweet and sour flare. Dill pickle brine is...
  15. P

    Word Association Game

    Lost (Thanks @GinnyPNW !)
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