Recent content by Bolas De Fraile

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  1. Bolas De Fraile

    Snip's Curried Pork Sausage and Cabbage Bake

    Thats ok then, I'm on a high fibre regime and I dont want any accidents.
  2. Bolas De Fraile

    Bread homemade or store bought?

    when I read posts like this it renews my faith in humanity......thank you.
  3. Bolas De Fraile

    Snip's Curried Pork Sausage and Cabbage Bake

    Snip mate it sounds pretty stimulating so would you score it from 1 to 10 on the flatulence meter.
  4. Bolas De Fraile

    Let's Talk TV

    The very hungry Frenchman is a beautifully gentle prog, Raymond Blanc is beyond comparison. Raymond Blanc - Onion Tart - YouTube
  5. Bolas De Fraile

    Perfect Poached Egg

    as CWS says a perfectly fresh egg is the key.This vid shows part of the method I was taught. The eggs are cooked in the water for 2 minutes then placed in iced water, when they are cold and firm you can trim and shape for presentation, you can then return to the iced water and keep in the fridge...
  6. Bolas De Fraile

    Random Photo Thread: The Sequel

    i cant wait for the snow to melt, clic to enlarge
  7. Bolas De Fraile

    Hi from Italy

    good morning from north wales
  8. Bolas De Fraile

    Baked Beans vs Heinz baked beans?

    yes and I love her!!!!
  9. Bolas De Fraile

    Full Ingredient Utilization

    I doubt that I will be allowed to make these again, clic on pic to enlarge
  10. Bolas De Fraile

    Hello there....

    good morning from Wales
  11. Bolas De Fraile

    Baked Beans vs Heinz baked beans?

    There is too much salt in Heinz, so my wife makes a version that she found.The recipe includes Worcestershire sauce,a grated apple and mustard, she has moved on to buying dried beans which inspire olympic quality botty coughs. Blazing Saddles --Farting Cowboys- Greatest Fart Scene of All Time -...
  12. Bolas De Fraile

    Carbonara, recipe from Rome, Italy

    Luca mate for me the beauty of being a rugby fan is that you like Rugby and not a team.That is why the fans are not segregated and you can drink in the stadium without a hint of a problem.:smile:
  13. Bolas De Fraile

    Today's Funny

    yesterday a new tomb was found in Egypt, the mummy was wrapped in a strange way. In between each layer of cloth was chocolate and nuts, I think its Ferrero Rocher.
  14. Bolas De Fraile


    I like pigs, dogs look up to us,cats look down on us, pigs look at us as equals.
  15. Bolas De Fraile

    Potato fire

    Good morning from north Wales:smile:
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