Recent content by azfred

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    Need opinions on Italian menu plan for birthday

    dont forget zepoli for dessert
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    I almost burned up my kitchen

    I wanted to make a quick batch of egg salad to take to work for lunch, so I put the eggs on to boil and went and jumped in the shower, when I got out I heard a weird noise, smoke detector, I turned on the wrong burner and torched a good hard anodized non stick skillet, got to it just in time...
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    Homemade Chicken Salad

    I use boneless skinless breasts and dice them up, saute in Italian dressing, cool it off then mix in mayo and what ever else. I keep the chicken frozen in packs of 1,2,and 3, just grab the size I need. I try not to have leftovers of stuff that wont keep and this is a simple fast recepie
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    What do you like to collect?

    I collect dust, its getting out of hand , its stored everywhere, on shelves, the tv, its just everywhere! I've got to stop :)
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    ISO help canning cowboy beans

    well, decided to make a ham bean soup kinda mess, well see how it comes out. ran it at 15# for 60 min for pints. the beans look intact. side note. I simmer the the ham bone until the bone is clean, then strain, add 2 lbs pinto beans that soaked overnight and some leftover cut up ham, simmer...
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    ISO help canning cowboy beans

    every year for Christmas I make a ham, then for new years I cook down the bone and make a big pot of cowboy beans, it has alot of ham in it so I guess I pressure can it but I cant figure out for how long. if any one can help with that one it would be great. both quarts and pints, thanks
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    How do you lower your grocery bill?

    buy what you eat, eat what you buy. when canned goods go on sale dirt cheap stock up
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    Canning Sauce

    would it be that long? everything is cooked already so I only have to kill bacteria , right?
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    Canning Sauce

    if I make a batch of spagetti sauce, can I pressure can it with sausage in the jar or ground meat for that matter? thanks
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    Garlic question

    thats the pay off of 118 degree summer days, stuff grows in the garden year round
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    Garlic question

    how do I know when my garlic is ready to pull? this is my first time with it
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    Pickle question

    update, today is actualy the 7th day and the other two jarshave started to get clouy, is this normal or are they bad? thanks fred
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    Pickle question

    I made three quart jars of pickles, cold pack unprocessed with water, salt, vinegar, garlic and dill. they've been pickling for about 4 days. All were made the same, one jar is cloudy and the other 2 are clear. What is causing the cloudiness and are all the pickles safe to eat? should I do...
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