Take Photos of your Kitchen!!

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Washing Up
Mar 9, 2004
NW Chicago Burbs'
Well I got an idea from GB. He took a photo of his kitchen and dinning room to show off his cool new table.
Can we possibly open a section JUST for pictures of our members kitchen AND or dinning room?:chef: What are everyones feelings?
I completely forgot about this, Sushi.
Here is my humble little cooking area. Yes, I'm disorganized,but, I don't care.:mrgreen:

We put in the cabinets after we stained them ourselves 2 years ago.
The table is an old one of mil, but, sturdy, so, we took it.:)

The reason that the light is off centered is because, there used to be some UGLY cabinets and a bar that separated the two areas, from the other side of the stove out to the right. It made for 2 small areas, so, we knocked that out and used all the wall space. we will deal with that later.
The other wall where the frig is, never got a cabinet, so, I didn't take a pic of that.


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Oh my gosh texasgirl, your kitchen is so nice! I love the cabinets! We have been researching new cabinets and countertops, we decided to wait until next year. I see this picture of your beautiful kitchen and I feel inspired to do it this year! You should be proud of your kitchen! Maybe I will take one of mine tonight and ask DH to post for me.
Thank you Michele!!
It's a simple kitchen. I'm not the fancy type. I'm just country and like things simple. Don't get me wrong, I think the fancy cabinets are really nice, it's just not me and it wouldn't look right out here in the sticks anyway:mrgreen:
WOOHOO! I got it to work. Here's one of each wall in the working area of the kitchen, don't have any of the dining room. We have only had this kitchen for a little over a year. What we had before was not worth looking at!

Texasgirl, your kitchen does not look simple by any means! You should be very proud.

I love the fancy cabinets too - just not the fancy price tag! We currently have white cabinets and I would love to have wood - it would just match my decor and taste better. I am not putting down white cabinets, so please no one misinterpret me. I have seen alot of kitchens with white cabinets that are beautiful. My last house had white cabinets too. Our countertops are in bad shape so we might as well replace those too. Anyways, I believe this will be next year's project. I would absolutely love some new appliances too - but we replaced fridge, stove and dw less than 3 years ago. We'll see - I guess it depends on how well my money tree does in the back yard:mrgreen: .
I had white in my other house too. We put in new cabinets on the bottom and left the tops because I liked the old look of them and painted them white to match the house. It was built in the 50's.

Alix, I love your wood kitchen too!
Thanks texasgirl and Michelemarie. They are maple and they work beautifully with the lovely tiles on my floor. Not that you can see those! I had stark white everything before. White tile floor, white cabinets and a sunshine ceiling. So now I have warmth in my kitchen. Aaaaa! Much more me.
Alix, do you know where you got it? Or the brand of it, since, you probably got it at a place we don't have here. I've got to have 2 of those!! If you notice in mine, there is an ugly flourecent light and a stained glass looking thing. I like the stained glass one, but, nothing matches and I would love to have something at both ends that I can move around like that to optimize the lighting in here.
Alix I always knew you had good taste. We have a light very similar to that. It is a wave too with 4 lights that can be pointed anywhere.

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