Lay's Chesapeake Bay Crab Spice Potato Chips Review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
I am reviewing this 2018 bag style....


Not this earlier in 2018 bag style I never got to while I reviewing so many other items...


This is supposed to be a limited edition flavor although Two different bag styles for me did not make it so limited edition.

The chips sure did have some seasoning on it.

The flavor here was good.

I would have to give this chip a big thumbs up.
I live five miles from Frito Lay corporate headquarters, and I don't see half of the limited-edition flavors they come up with.

I've tried these, and you can get the same effect by eating a few chips alternating with teaspoons of Old Bay seasoning.

It reminded me of a college "challenge" or prank rather than a real thing to enjoy.
I've tried these, and you can get the same effect by eating a few chips alternating with teaspoons of Old Bay seasoning.

That's pretty much what I figured. I would try them if they were in a bowl at a party, but not sure I would buy them.

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