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Sous Chef
Sep 2, 2004
This is a favorite in out house. It's an Ethiopian dish that calls for using cut up chicken, but we use chunks of boneless, skinless chicken to make it easier to eat. First I'll give the "authenic" recipe I found 20 years ago in a friend's collection of North African recipes, then give our variation on the theme.


2 (3lb.) chickens, cut
3 sticks of butter
3 lbs. onion, diced
2 cloves of garlice, minced
3 heaping Tablespoons of Berbere (spice mixture, recipe to follow)
1 cup tomato paste
10 hard-boiled eggs, slightly scored
1 teaspoon black pepper
rice or injera

Score each piece of chicken, so flavor can penetrate. In stew pot, melt butter and sautee onions and garlic. Add Berbere and tomato paste and stir to combine. Cook for 15 minutes. One piece at a time, stir in the chicken and coat with the sauce. Continue to simmer, adding enough water to maintain the consistency of a thick soup for 20 minutes. Add the eggs, cover and continue cooking until chicken is tender. The dish is ready when the oil has risen to the top. Add black pepper and let sit until slightly cooled. Serve with over rice or with Injera (Injera is an Ethiopian flat bread used to eat the dish, as utensils are not commonly used - remember... use only your right hand to eat!!! ;) )


Berbere (this is a simple version - there are much more complicated ones out there, but this was the one that was given with the recipe)

1 t. ground ginger
3 T. cayenne pepper
1/4 t. ground cloves
1/2 t. cinnamon


Our healthy changes:

1. I sautee the onions and garlic in olive oil or sometimes an olive oil/butter mixture, but only enough to sautee, not 1.5 cups as the recipe calls for.
2. I use a combination of Pinot Grigio and water to substitute for the liquid (originally from the butter) in the tomato sauce.
3. I use more Berbere usually and often leave out the eggs.
4. As mentioned before, I use boneless, skinless chicken breasts, as well.

I hope someone tries this. We eat it at least 2 or 3 times a month. I'm not sure how "authentic" it is, but it's really tasty!!
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